Thank You
After an incredible seven years designing and manufacturing custom avionics panels for hundreds of flight simulator enthusiasts worldwide, the team at Stay Level Avionix has made the decision to step away from these core activities. We will continue to offer our industry leading Touch Bracket for sale worldwide in the SLAVX Shop.
Our final panel was built for a Delta Airlines 757/767 Captain who also flew the Boeing B-52 Strategic Long-Range Bomber. It was an amazing product that was delivered to a special friend in the Western United States.
When we started the business in 2018, I was a student pilot building hours, passing checkrides, and earning new certificates and ratings. No one could have predicted the rapid growth of our company due to a global pandemic. Through that time period, our team remained steadfast on the promise to our customers:
“Panels are our passion. Service is our priority.”
It never changed from that, ever. Ryan and I loved building every panel, specific to every customer goal and vision. Francisco created amazing powder-coat colors and designs, always fulfilling unique customer requests.
Beyond just our customers, I gained so many aviation friends along the way - Chris Palmer, Steve Thorne, Josh Flowers, and Oscar Mateos to name a few. We engaged with thousands of enthusiasts worldwide through our individual content and into the millions of views on YouTube with our collaboration partners. We transformed your home training environment into something real that enhanced your avionics proficiency, improved safety, and enabled you to become a better pilot.
We got to know one another, share in stories, and there was nothing more exciting to Ryan, Francisco, and I than when we received the email of it all set up, and the subject line often contained “WOW” - We thank you for supporting our company and being a valued partner.
I always had a goal though, and honestly, it started in the 90’s, the greatest generation ever to be a kid. I wanted to be a professional pilot. The launch airplane for Flight Simulator ‘98 was the Bombardier Learjet 45.
After a close friend re-introduced me to aviation in 2017, I decided to take my first formal flight lesson. I realized that during my aviation journey, there were hundreds of pilots who could also use our products to invest in their aviation journey, it was incredible. Eight years later, I became a Pilot on the Learjet 45 for a Part 135 Operator in North America.
In addition to this new career path, I firmly enjoy growing real-world aviation, I love giving flight instruction around Chicago, and I enjoy mentoring new pilots through my experiences. Never forget, flight hours are worth more than gold.
So why does this matter? Transparency. The flight sim market changed over the last couple of years. Many avionics and component manufacturers have closed their doors. With these recent closures, the demand for custom panel solutions has naturally diminished.
This industry is full of people that can achieve the unachievable, and it’s full of like-minded individuals who ultimately make up something very real, a community. Thanks for the memories, thanks for changing our lives, thanks for letting us be a part of your journey.
Stay Level,
John, Ryan, and Francisco